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You gave your time, while yours was slipping away...April 13, 2016

Dear Mommy,

The one who gave me life...

Even after all these years there isn't a year, month, day, week, minute or second that goes by where my heart doesn't ache to hug and kiss you.

You were, by far, the greatest woman to ever live and I only wish I would have had more time with you. Although our time together was cut way too short I am, without a shadow of a doubt, who I am because of you.

You taught me how to love with abandon, to be loyal to those you love, to forgive without conditions, to give without expecting something in return, to laugh until your cheeks hurt and to have strength and courage in the face of adversity. You are the most selfless person I will ever know because you gave the single most invaluable asset....your time, all while yours was slipping away.

Your beauty and grace from the inside out is unparalleled. You are the mom of all was your calling and like Mozart on a piano it was effortless for you. I miss you....I miss you so much and even as years pass and I get older it doesn't get easier.

On this day, the anniversary of when your sweet soul left this world, I remind myself of the gift I was given and am thankful for the time I did get, not the time I have lost. I love you with every inch of my being from my tippy toes to the the tippy top.

My sweet sweet mommy!! ❤️🐘

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